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General Washington and the Formulation of American Strategy (The American Revolutionary War) by USMC Command and Staff College ISBN: 9781499721966 List Price: $14.95
Shared Blame (Inertial Leadership, Indiscipline, and Horse Blinders): The Failure of the "Ot... by USMC Command and Staff College ISBN: 9781500368814 List Price: $14.95
Primordial Violence: German War on the Soviet Partisans (World War II) by USMC Command and Staff College ISBN: 9781500149680 List Price: $14.95
Harriet Tubman: A "Servant" Leader (The American Civil War) by USMC Command and Staff Coll... ISBN: 9781522931768 List Price: $12.95
Gettysburg: a Study of Lee's Command Effectiveness 1863 by USMC Command and Staff Coll... ISBN: 9781511557054 List Price: $12.95
Influencing Helmand: United States Marine Corps Operations in Helmand Province, Afghanistan,... by USMC Command and Staff Coll... ISBN: 9781511557030 List Price: $12.95
Cyber-Security Holism: A System of Solutions for a Distributed Problem by USMC Command and Staff Coll... ISBN: 9781519790767 List Price: $12.95
Light Armored Reconnaissance: Misunderstood and Underemployed in Deep Operations by USMC Command and Staff Coll... ISBN: 9781511540261 List Price: $12.95
New Defense Battalion for the MAGTF? by USMC Command and Staff Coll... ISBN: 9781511540315 List Price: $12.95
Washington's War: A Study in Operational Design by USMC Command and Staff Coll... ISBN: 9781535289177 List Price: $12.95
The Finnish Campaigns: Failure of Soviet Operational Art in World War II by USMC Command and Staff College ISBN: 9781508714347 List Price: $12.95
Seabees: National Instrument of Power Projection by USMC Command and Staff College ISBN: 9781508924265 List Price: $12.95
Marine Corps Equities in the Arctic by USMC Command and Staff College ISBN: 9781508924272 List Price: $12.95
USMC Relocation to Guam: Political Pressure and Poor Planning to Blame for an Ill-Postured U... by USMC Command and Staff College ISBN: 9781508935346 List Price: $12.95
Israel: Strategic Asset or Strategic Liability by USMC Command and Staff College ISBN: 9781508939399 List Price: $12.95
Cyber-Security Holism: A System of Solutions for a Distributed Problem by USMC Command and Staff Coll... ISBN: 9781514188880 List Price: $12.95
Standing Strong: A Leadership Analysis of General David M. Shoup, USMC 22d Commandant of the... by USMC Command and Staff Coll... ISBN: 9781514683767 List Price: $12.95
Improving Shaping Efforts in Africa's Maghreb and Sahel by USMC Command and Staff Coll... ISBN: 9781511540285 List Price: $12.95
Redskins in Bluecoats: a Strategic and Cultural Analysis of Gneral George Crook's Use of Apa... by USMC Command and Staff Coll... ISBN: 9781511540254 List Price: $12.95
Moral Courage or Heresy: the Benefits and Pitfalls of Military Leaders Speaking Out by USMC Command and Staff Coll... ISBN: 9781508746911 List Price: $12.95
Maintaining the Marine Corps' Tank Combat Dominance in an Uncertain Future by USMC Command and Staff Coll... ISBN: 9781511537162 List Price: $12.95
Moral Fitness: Ethical Education for Marines by USMC Command and Staff Coll... ISBN: 9781511537148 List Price: $12.95
Tarawa to Okinawa: the Evolution of Amphibious Operations in the Pacific During World War II by USMC Command and Staff Coll... ISBN: 9781511540230 List Price: $12.95
Seabees: National Instrument of Power Projection by USMC Command and Staff Coll... ISBN: 9781511537124 List Price: $12.95
Architect of Union Victory? Montgomery Meigs, Jomini and Union Success in the American Civil... by USMC Command and Staff Coll... ISBN: 9781512066876 List Price: $12.95
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